Population: 24            

About Us

Mischa Zvahl, they/them, 20. Indigenous, autistic, plural, queer, taken, physically disabled. About to graduate from college (May 2025) as a computer programming major. Rad inclus. Aspiring poet, artist.

About Our System

Every system exists and functions differently. Here is a bit about the functioning of our system.

We don't subscribe to the clinical medicalization of plurality for our own system. If you're cool with that, great! Live and let live.

We identify as people first and foremost. We believe that personhood is not inherently tied to one's physical body, but rather one's capacity for individual thought and identity. As such, our personhood is very important to us as multiple people who share one physical life.

The way our system functions internally is very synonymous with our innerworld being a small planet. The past five years of working together have created towns with walkable paths in between, methods of communication such as phones and magic post offices and mailboxes, and thusly our internal collaboration and communication have wildly improved. Our amnesia is primarily emotional but for a few exceptions where some settlements have yet to be connected to the rest of our internal society- system members across the planet who have yet to make substantiated contact- but those barriers lessen by the day as we extend compassion.

Therefore, we have a consistent narrative of our own life, but the emotional connections that we individually have with our life happenings depends on who was fronting and how deep our individual connections to those happenings run.

We often compare our system's internal functioning to a Minecraft Realm. Different players at different parts of the same world with connected builds, even villages. Sometimes, there's some lag or connectivity issues.

Stances and Boundaries

As previously stated, we adhere to the "live and let live" motto. We don't care about origin discourse, syscourse in general, queer discourse, or anything of the like. We support good faith identities! Life is too short to care that much about someone else's life or identity.

We're very spiritual. We're what we call scientific spiritualists- valuing science and realizing that spirituality is the path of learning more about this universe and its workings. We do believe in the multiverse, astral projection, and the like. We don't care what you believe, but we won't put up with discourse, evangelism, or other such disrespect towards our beliefs.